I am available for bookings for live painting at events such as weddings, birthdays, and more. You can also find me live painting at markets with my semi-custom themed portraits. Check my Instagram to find out where I’ll be next!
Weddings, birthday parties, cafés, events—anywhere there is a table and a chair! Live painting can add a dose of fun and creativity to any event. I am available from one to four hours for private events, and can make fully or semi-custom portraits.
Fully custom: Three to four fully custom mini portraits per hour, or one to two fully custom A4 portraits.
Semi-custom: Five to six pre-designed, semi-custom mini portraits per hour.
Email me to discuss the possibilities. Generally speaking, small, private events will be one to two hours, larger weddings and corporate events will be three to four hours, and public markets will be up to six hours.
Prices start from € 50 an hour. Within the agreed upon timeframe, I will create portraits of anyone who requests one, or you can pick specific people beforehand.
Seeing someone painting live, and being able to bring home a piece of unique art is a special experience. Take a look at some of my live painting customers.
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